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Drata Rules

Contextual rules based on Drata’s core values to help us understand the expected behavior and norms that define our culture – our lasting differentiator.

Our Culture is Defined in our Values but Embodied in our Behavior

Our Mission is to Build Trust Across the Cloud.

Rule #1

There are Drivers and there are Passengers. Drivers Wanted.

Driving something comes with ownership, accountability, and a responsibility to add to the growth, fuel the journey, and steer the ship. In dynamic, high growth environments there is a premium on drivers. People who make things happen, who move dials, who stop at nothing. If you find yourself starting a sentence with “I’m waiting for…” Stop, and ask yourself if you really need to be waiting. Find something in your first week that can be better, more efficient, more clear, or more impactful, and DO IT. Then do it again next week, and the week after… The environment around you is constantly evolving and you’re expected to shape its next iteration. Keep iterating. This is the expectation.

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Rule #2

Celebrate wins, and fight complacency at all costs.

No matter how well things are going, we pledge to one another that we will never rest on our laurels and we will never hesitate to challenge the status quo. Most people in the world would find comfort in knowing that tomorrow will look much like today, but that’s not at all what we want. We want tomorrow to be better than today - much better. And that requires us to get comfortable with change. We want to be more comfortable with change than we are with status quo. This is what drivers do inherently.

Drata Rules #2
Rule #3

Every new hire should raise the bar for you and your team.

Hire individuals you can learn from. Our people are the company’s most important and valuable piece of the puzzle. Our performance is tied to the caliber of talent we’re able to attract, hire, onboard, enable, and retain. Hold the bar high. Demand the best. Attract the best. Win the opportunity to work with them. Managers are responsible for building the quality and depth of their team, and improving the company’s capacity to win.

Drata Rules #3
Rule #4

It’s ok to be wrong. If a decision can be reversed, make it quick.

If a decision is easily reversible, stand up tall, make it quick, and learn from the results. While creating a long-term solution, execute with a short-term solution in parallel, learn, and iterate to make the long-term solution stronger. Don’t wait to solve a problem because you’re making long-term plans. It’s ok if we don’t have steps 2 through 10 figured out perfectly - step 1 is usually the biggest and will require iteration anyway. It’s always ok to say the words “I don’t know…” when followed by “...but I’m going to find out.” It’s also always ok to say “I was wrong…” when followed by “...but here’s what I learned and want you to learn from it as well.”

Drata Rules #4
Rule #5

Time is the asset - speed is the currency. We set the pace.

“I’ll get you a draft next week.” – “Why not today?” Are the other things being done today truly more important? “Drata Speed” doesn’t mean we do a LOT of things decently well and burn out in the attempt. It means we do the most important things better and faster than anyone - which means we know how to prioritize, when to say no, and when to step on the gas! Our ability to make decisions and move quickly is a competitive advantage we will fight to not lose. When you’re executing on the right priorities, a strong sense of urgency is a must-have for all Drata employees.

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Rule #6

Competitors will be distracted with their rear-view mirrors while we out-maneuver, out-execute, and race passed them.

It’s easy in a competitive market to get distracted with what competitors are doing, but there is far more value in the voice of the customer than the marketing of a competitor. Our customers are empowered by the intensity of our dedication to them, and empowered customers let the market know it. We know how big the market is, but we still work every day as if it’s a zero-sum game. It eventually is.

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Drata's platform experience is designed by security and compliance experts so you don't have to be one.


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