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HomeBlogDrata’s Declaration of Continued Audit Independence

Drata’s Declaration of Continued Audit Independence


by Adam Markowitz

March 29, 2023
Media - Drata's Continued Support of Auditor Alliance
1. Support Independent Audits2. Champion Auditor Feedback3. Empower Customers to Choose4. Respect Privacy and Security

Our mission at Drata is to democratize compliance with the vision of accelerating trust between great companies and those they do business with. We recognized on day one that this mission is only possible by earning the trust and respect of all relevant stakeholders such as auditors, CPAs, and service organizations.

For the past two years, we have kept that focus front and center, building a solution that makes the audit experience more seamless while preserving the integrity of the audit process itself. Solving for the needs of our customers and independent audit firms, who share our principles, is foundational to this mission.

Simply put, we’ve always believed that the independence and integrity of the audit is the most critical element to maintaining trust in the market. Therefore, from our founding, we’ve consistently drawn a clear line between our compliance automation technology and the role of third-party audits or attestations.

Drata remains steadfast in our commitment to maintaining auditor independence. The sustainable future of trust in the cloud will not be built by those looking for shortcuts or compromising values for short-term gain.

We’re eager to build the future together and look forward to the continued success of our mutual clients and customers. As such, we remain committed to the following principles that Drata is built on:

1. Support Independent Audits

We never offer quotas, kickbacks, or incentives to audit alliance members. Growing our customer base will never come at the expense of maintaining trust with the market.

2. Champion Auditor Feedback

We seek auditor feedback and use it to create the best experience for our customers and their audit firms. Product decisions directly influenced by auditors include providing more controls to cover all critical evidence needed during audits, best-in-class raw evidence collection in uneditable JSON format, and enabling 1:1 communication through Drata’s Audit Hub

3. Empower Customers to Choose

We respect that every company is unique, and so are their compliance needs. With a library of out-of-the-box controls, custom controls, flexible features, configurable testing, and an unbiased directory of pre-vetted audit firms, our customers can pick the compliance journey that's right for them and continue to do so as they grow securely.

4. Respect Privacy and Security

We provide customers with the ability to enforce the principle of least privilege. Configurable auditor views allow for a pre-scoped user experience for auditors to see and access what they need for a streamlined audit and nothing more. This results in greater efficiency, less distraction, and a secure space to collaborate back and forth. 

We appreciate the continued trust from you, the risk and compliance community. Please continue to reach out to me and our passionate team with feedback and questions as we continue on our mission of building trust across the internet.

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Adam Markowitz
Adam Markowitz is the co-founder and CEO of Drata, a continuous security and compliance automation platform. Prior to Drata, Adam was the founder and CEO of Portfolium, an academic portfolio network for students and alumni to visually showcase their work and projects directly to employers, faculty, and fellow students/alumni. Portfolium was acquired by Instructure (NYSE:INST) in 2019. He also worked as an aerospace engineer designing, analyzing and testing liquid rocket engines for NASA’s next generation space launch vehicle as well as the Space Shuttle Main Engine. Adam earned a B.S. in Structural Engineering from UC San Diego and an M.S. in Astronautical Engineering from the University of Southern California.

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