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HomeBlogDrata Joins HITRUST Ecosystem

Drata Joins HITRUST Ecosystem

We are thrilled to announce that Drata has joined the HITRUST ecosystem by listing in the HITRUST Products & Services Directory.
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by Drata

July 25, 2024
BlogFeature HITRUST

As the regulatory landscape for the healthcare industry is tightening to respond to ever-evolving threats, companies are asked to produce more evidence of compliance than ever before. HITRUST is a leading provider of cybersecurity assurance solutions, offering a comprehensive portfolio of assessment and certification products built on the widely recognized HITRUST Framework. Their platform and supporting ecosystem provides relevant, threat-adaptive controls, and highly reliable assurance that those controls are implemented with sufficient strength and maturity. Organizations around the world use HITRUST for material and measurable risk mitigation and demonstration of compliance.

We are thrilled to announce that Drata has joined the HITRUST ecosystem by listing in the HITRUST Products & Services Directory, identifying how our leading GRC platform can help customers meet stringent HITRUST requirements. This advancement underscores our commitment to providing robust security and compliance solutions that meet the highest industry standards supporting our thousands of customers.

As a vendor on the HITRUST Products & Services Directory, Drata has documented the security controls that can be monitored and managed, thereby streamlining an organization’s HITRUST journey. Drata collaborates closely with HITRUST Authorized External Assessors who are approved to perform assessment services using the HITRUST Framework and methodology. Working with these vetted HITRUST assessors enables our customers to bring automation and efficiency to their compliance journey.

b.well Connected Health has moved to an automated continuous compliance posture and will complete our annual HITRUST r2 assessment in Drata thanks to our partners at Schellman. Moving to automated continuous compliance not only improves our security and compliance posture but also saves b.well hundreds of people hours. We have been working with Drata, Schellman and HITRUST for a while to ensure we could efficiently complete our audit.”

- Ross Hosman, CISO, b.well Connected Health

Additionally, we are excited to share that Drata is a proud sponsor of the upcoming HITRUST Collaborate conference. We look forward to engaging with industry leaders, sharing insights, and supporting our customers as they navigate their compliance challenges.

Drata is designed to streamline compliance, making it more efficient and accessible for organizations of all sizes.  Ready to get started? Book a demo today.

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