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Streamline Evidence Collection with Our New Evidence Library

Evidence Library is our first step toward revamping manual evidence collection in Drata—laying the foundation for a robust and fully automated solution for evidence collection.
Pratik Bhat

by Pratik Bhat

August 23, 2023
Evidence Library Blog Header

It’s no secret that managing evidence for an audit can be a scattered and time consuming process—and that’s only one aspect of the audit. Our new Evidence Library streamlines evidence collection and manages documentation storage, so you can be confident going into your audit—not to mention the hundreds of hours you recoup.

You can use Evidence Library to unify the evidence upload, linking, and management process for instant visibility into how all of your uploaded evidence impacts your readiness. Here’s a quick look at the release:

  • Simplified upload process: Upload evidence and map it to multiple controls in one single step.

  • Version Control: Update evidence while maintaining version history that can be referenced at any time.

  • Enhanced visibility: Instantly view all linked controls and how they impact your readiness.

Evidence Library is our first step toward revamping manual evidence collection in Drata—laying the foundation for a robust and fully automated solution for evidence collection.

At Drata, we use the feedback we receive from our customers to plan roadmaps and prioritize what to build next. We heard our customers’ suggestions to make evidence linking and management easier, and that’s why we’re so excited to introduce Evidence Library. For more insight into how Drata can simplify your compliance processes, book a demo today.

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Resources for you
How to Score and Assess Your SOC 2 Readiness (1)

Preparing for Your Audit With a SOC 2 Readiness Assessment

Trust Center Essential

Introducing Trust Center Essential: Your New Built-In Trust Center

Pratik Bhat
Pratik Bhat
Senior Product Manager
Related Resources
How to Score and Assess Your SOC 2 Readiness (1)

Preparing for Your Audit With a SOC 2 Readiness Assessment

Trust Center Essential

Introducing Trust Center Essential: Your New Built-In Trust Center