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HomeResourcesWebinarsThe Rise of Continuous Compliance

On-Demand Webinar: The Rise of Continuous Compliance

Insights and data from Drata’s research and how compliance teams are maturing

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Discover the rise of continuous compliance

Earlier this year Drata released the 2023 Trends Report that provided a look within hundreds of organizations (not Drata customers) and how they handle risk and compliance. The common thread between them all? In the next five years, 9 out of 10 companies expect to achieve some level of continuous compliance. 

The reason for the shift in strategy is clear: Continuous compliance as a strategy accelerates business and trust with customers, prospects, and partners.

During this presentation you will walk away with:

  • An understanding of how your peers are maturing risk and compliance programs

  • Knowing the benefits, consequences, and challenges your peers are facing 

  • Questions to your answers from compliance experts

After the brief presentation we’ll then bring in Troy Fine, Director, Risk and Compliance; and Alev Viggio, Director, Compliance, to discuss their perspective on continuous compliance, the report findings, and help answer any questions you may have.


  • Elliot Volkman, Drata Director of Creative Services

  • Troy Fine, Drata Director, Compliance Advisory Services

  • Alev Viggio, Drata Director of Compliance

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