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Build Customer Trust With CCPA Compliance

Manage your CCPA compliance from one central dashboard with the support of an expert team of compliance advisors.

Leverage compliance experts to implement and automate CCPA

Partner With People and Technology for Accelerated Compliance

Compliance with CCPA is critical to safeguarding your customers' personal data and protecting your business. Drata’s platform walks you through the process step-by-step, showing you how to use our CCPA controls, requirements, and policies.

Gain peace of mind knowing that Drata is continuously monitoring your controls 24/7. Paired with our internal security and compliance experts, you’ll be covered along your CCPA journey. With 75+ integrations, connect to your tech stack in minutes to power automation that reduces time-consuming, manual compliance tasks.

CCPA - Partner People and Technology for Accelerated Compliance Image
Start with what you have, then layer CCPA-specific controls on top

Take Advantage of Your Existing Framework Controls

CCPA shares many of our pre-mapped controls with other frameworks, like SOC 2, ISO 27001, PCI DSS, HIPAA, and its framework cousin, GDPR. With these controls and readiness dashboard, you know what you already have and gain visibility into what you need, reducing the time spent on redundant tasks.

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CCPA - Take Advantage of Your Existing Framework Controls Image
Implement technical security controls and document effectiveness for CCPA

Monitor Security Continuously to Reduce Risk

Under CCPA, you need to implement, document, and monitor security controls to protect consumers’ privacy.

With Drata’s 24/7 monitoring, you streamline security activities by using pre-set workflows around automated monitoring, evidence collection, asset and personnel tracking, and access control. Since everything's documented in Drata, you eliminate manual processes—like reviewing dozens of systems—to reduce your CCPA compliance workload. 

CCPA - Monitor Security Continuously to Reduce Risk Image
View All Customer Stories
Drata is simply the best automation and support system for InfoSec on the market. The support provided has gone above and beyond my expectations.
Nemean Services

Max Glynn

Information Security Manager

While we’ve always taken data protection seriously, Drata really served as the glue that held our compliance program together.
In a matter of minutes, we had Drata integrated with our environment and continuously monitoring our controls.
Christine Smoley - Clearco

Christine Smoley

Security Engineering Lead

Drata helped us to seamlessly transition into a fully integrated compliance program and was essential to our SOC 2.
Diana Cohen

Diana Cohen

Head of Legal & Compliance

The time savings and impact on sales are immediate, especially as we inform our customers that we’re pursuing SOC 2 compliance!
Drata is simply the best automation and support system for InfoSec on the market. The support provided has gone above and beyond my expectations.
Nemean Services

Max Glynn

Information Security Manager

While we’ve always taken data protection seriously, Drata really served as the glue that held our compliance program together.
In a matter of minutes, we had Drata integrated with our environment and continuously monitoring our controls.
Christine Smoley - Clearco

Christine Smoley

Security Engineering Lead

Drata helped us to seamlessly transition into a fully integrated compliance program and was essential to our SOC 2.
Diana Cohen

Diana Cohen

Head of Legal & Compliance

The time savings and impact on sales are immediate, especially as we inform our customers that we’re pursuing SOC 2 compliance!
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Clearco Logo
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Nemean Services Logo
Immediation Logo
Clearco Logo
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What's Included With CCPA

The all-in-one solution for CCPA compliance. Enabling you to have more visibility into CCPA (and other platforms).

CCPA Control Library

CCPA Control Library

Drata’s CCPA Control Library, templated policies, and custom control feature streamline the compliance process.

Information Security Policies

Information Security Policies

Drata’s information security policies are CCPA compliant so you can check off creating new policies from your to-do list.

Framework Control Overlap

Framework Control Overlap

Cut duplicate effort by taking advantage of controls from other frameworks that overlap with CCPA controls.

Security Posture Visibility

Security Posture Visibility

View all frameworks inside of Drata's Readiness Dashboard so you can see your progress and status at any time.

Asset Inventory

Asset Inventory

Know your assets. With Drata’s automated inventory, you know all physical and virtual assets across your company.

Support and Real-Time Answers Icon

Support and Live Chat

Drata’s support team consists of compliance experts and former auditors. Our experts are a click away.

Join the Thousands of Companies that Trust Drata

See All Case Studies
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The Latest Resources


CCPA Compliance 101 Everything You Need to Know

CCPA Compliance 101: Everything You Need to Know

Is your business CCPA and CPRA compliant? Learn everything you need to know about CCPA compliance with this guide.

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The No-nonsense CCPA Compliance Checklist

Our 16-step CCPA compliance checklist can ensure you protect consumer data and meet security requirements outlined in the California Consumer Privacy Act.

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Data Privacy vs. Data Security Understanding the Difference and Overlap

Data Privacy vs. Data Security: Understanding the Difference and Overlap

Data privacy versus data security. Are you confident that you’re handling both of these concepts well in your organization? Find out here.

Learn More

Frequently Asked Questions About CCPA

Anyone who meets the following criteria needs to comply with CCPA:

  • Revenue over 25 million

  • Buy, receiving, sell personal information of 50 thousand or more California residents, households, or devices

  • Derive 50% of revenue by selling that information

Personal information includes: name, social security number, email, records of products purchased, fingerprints, etc.

CPRA (California Privacy Rights Act) will go into effect in 2023. The CPRA framework will be available in Drata prior to the act going into effect and customers that purchased CCPA will be transitioned from CCPA to CPRA at that time.

Automate Your Journey

Drata's platform experience is designed by security and compliance experts so you don't have to be one.


Easily integrate your tech stack with Drata.


Pre-map auditor validated controls.


Begin automating evidence collection.

Put Security & Compliance on Autopilot®

Close more sales and build trust faster while eliminating hundreds of hours of manual work to maintain compliance.

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