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New Resource: Complete Guide to Risk Management

Drata has released a new guide to walk you through the ins and outs of risk management and how it applies to compliance. Access the Complete Guide to Cybersecurity Risk Management to learn how to kickstart your risk management program.
Elliot Volkman

by Elliot Volkman

February 10, 2023
Drata A Complete Guide to Cybersecurity Risk Management (1)
A Complete Guide to Cybersecurity Risk Management

Cyber incidents topped the Allianz Risk Barometer for just the second time in the survey’s history in 2022, listed as even more impactful than business interruptions. Considering the waves of impact from the global pandemic, this is an alarming data point.

As the number of threats grows, so do the concerns that companies will (and unfortunately many of them have) experience the very real consequences of not managing these risks well.

The good news is, with the right knowledge and processes, you can mitigate the negative impacts of any potential threats. To help you implement a robust risk management plan, our guide provides an overview of cybersecurity risk management including what it is, why you need it, and how to make it work for your organization.

A Complete Guide to Cybersecurity Risk Management

Many organizations start with spreadsheets that document their risk and controls. However, as the organization grows and matures, its compliance program also needs to mature.

With so many people and moving parts involved, manually managing the risk assessment process can quickly become inefficient. As you move toward attestations or certification, you need to have a single source of information for audits, but shared spreadsheets may not always be up to date. 

Access our Complete Guide to Cybersecurity Risk Management to learn the basics and how to get the most out of your program.

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Elliot Volkman
Elliot Volkman
Former Director of Brand, Content, and Community
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