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HomeAuditorsAuditor Code of Ethics

Auditor Code of Ethics

Upholding the highest standards of ethics and quality.

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What Is It?

A New Standard in the Industry

By creating a Code of Ethics, Drata takes the first step to shape the industry for the better, renewing commitment to the highest standards of ethics and professionalism within the audit industry.

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Strong Core Principles

Auditors who sign the pledge commit to integrity, competence, professional behavior, and objectivity in their business and services to ensure the best results for customers.


Compliance with Standards & Regulations

Drata has outlined the standards and regulations that our members must adhere to, including AICPA and continuous regulatory monitoring.

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Ensuring Technological Proficiency

This commitment ensures our members must stay informed about and adapt to advancements in compliance technology.

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Quality Assurance

Quality standards, continuous improvement of processes, and methodical evaluations are included to ensure accountability and excellence.

Why This Matters

Committing to a Code

After recognizing a need in the industry, the Drata Audit Alliance Program is committed to upholding the highest standards of ethics and professionalism. This Code of Ethics outlines the principles and guidelines that members of the Alliance and Drata are expected to adhere to—ensuring a fair, transparent, and quality-driven audit process.

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Who’s In?

40+ Committed Drata Audit Alliance Members

Read the Auditor Code of Ethics

Download the Code of Ethics to see how Drata and its Audit Alliances are committed to fairness, transparency, and quality across its four key pillars. You'll see why working with Drata and its network of Audit Alliances delivers unparalleled levels of trust and exceptional results.

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Looking For More?

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Drata’s Declaration of Continued Audit Independence

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Explore the Pre-Vetted Auditor Network

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Become An Audit Alliance Member